2006 Australian Population Census.
As at the 2006 Census, the breakdown for the top 6 countries of birth for Australian residents was:
- 70.9% Australia
- 4.3% England
- 2.0% New Zealand
- 1.0% China
- 1.0% Italy
- 0.8% Viet Nam
The total Australian population at this 2006 census of 19,855,288, was broken down between the following Capital Cities and States as follows:
Perth, Western Australia.
Perth has a population of 1,515,790 which is about 77% of the 1,958,236 State population.
61% of the Perth population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Perth, come from:
- 11% UK
- 2% New Zealand
- 1% South Africa
- 1% Italy
- 1% Malaysia
65% of the Western Australian population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in West Australia, come from:
- 10% UK
- 2% New Zealand
- 1% South Africa
- 1% Italy
- 1% Malaysia
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Melbourne has a population of 3,478,138 which is about 70% of the 4,934,425 State population.
63% of the Melbourne population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Perth, come from:
- 4% UK
- 2% Italy
- 1% Vietnam
- 1% China
- 1% Greece
69% of the Victoria population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Victoria, come from:
- 4% UK
- 1% Italy
- 1% New Zealand
- 1% Vietnam
- 1% China
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Sydney has a population of 4,095,244 which is about 63% of the 6,548,542 State population.
60% of the Sydney population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Sydney, come from:
- 4% UK
- 2% China
- 1% New Zealand
- 1% Vietnam
- 1% Lebanon
69% of the New South Wales population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in New South Wales, come from:
- 4% UK
- 2% China
- 1% New Zealand
- 1% Vietnam
- 1% Philippines
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Hobart has a population of 209,851 which is 44% of the 476,480 State population.
81% of the Hobart population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Hobart, come from:
- 4% UK
- New Zealand, Germany, Netherlands and China each with under 1%
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Tasmania, come from:
- 4% UK
- New Zealand, Netherlands, Germany and USA each with under 1%
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Brisbane has a population of 1,837,414 which is about 47% of the 3,904,983 State population.
72% of the Brisbane population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Brisbane, come from:
- 5% UK
- 4% New Zealand
- South Africa, Vietnam and China each with under 1%
75% of the Queensland population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Queensland, come from:
- 4% UK
- 3% New Zealand
- South Africa, Germany and Philippines each with under 1%
Adelaide, South Australia.
Adelaide has a population of 1,128,597 which is about 75% of the 1,512,512 State population.
70% of the Adelaide population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Adelaide, come from:
- 8% UK
- 1% Italy
- Vietnam, Greece and Germany each with under 1%
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in South Australia, come from:
- 8% UK
- 1% Italy
- Germany, New Zealand and Greeces each with under 1%
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.
Darwin has a population of 68,633 which is about 35% of the 195,054 State population.68% of the Darwin population was born in Australia.
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Darwin, come from:
- 4% UK
- 2% New Zealand
- Germany, Netherlands and China each with under 1%
The top 5 non Australian born people, living in Northern Territory, come from:
- 3% UK
- 1% New Zealand
- Philippines, USA and Greeces each with under 1%