2015 Queensland Election: LNP ahead on Primary Vote, but ALP set to win Election

The Strange twist of Elections.

With the results of the 2015 Queensland State Election showing that the LNP has more Primary Votes than the ALP, we see the ALP winning the Election.

How does this make sense ?

More Queenslanders vote for LNP than for ALP, yet the ALP wins

As Ms Palaszczuk (ALP) said Today the people of Queensland sent a very clear message. ? They did, they voted for LNP…. but what happened ?

2015 QLD Election Seats by Primary Vote

Primary Votes at Noon 1st February 2015:

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856,169 LNP
795,246 Australian Labor Party
174,001 The Greens
103,769 Palmer United Party
37,545 Katter’s Australian Party
24,424 Family First Party
19,795 One Nation
77,248 Other Candidates

Primary Vote Split by percentage:

41.00% LNP
38.08% Australian Labor Party
8.33% The Greens
4.97% Palmer United Party
1.80% Katter’s Australian Party
1.17% Family First Party
0.95% One Nation
3.70% Other Candidates

News Headlines for these results include:

LNP rout in Queensland ‘catastrophic’

Annastacia Palaszczuk (ALP) makes unofficial victory speech

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