2017 Naplan Results Year 9

2017 Naplan Results Year 9.

The National Assessment Program provides a wealth of data and information that are used by schools, governments and education authorities to inform decisions about the education of young Australians.

The Education Level of parents has shown a marked difference in the results obtained between different groups of Children, by parental education level, with the average score for children with Bachelor degree educated parents having higher scores than the highest of any State or Gender group.

NAPLAN 2017 Year 9 Reading.

601.8 was the Highest Average score per group for Females in ACT
613.7 was the Highest Australian average score per group for children with Parents who held Bachelor degree

NAPLAN 2017 Year 9 Writing.

583.2 was the Highest Average score per group for Females in ACT
589.5 was the Highest Australian average score per group for children with Parents who held Bachelor degree

NAPLAN 2017 Year 9 Spelling.

598.1 was the Highest Average score per group for Females in NSW
610.2 was the Highest Australian average score per group for children with Parents who held Bachelor degree

NAPLAN 2017 Year 9 Grammar and Punctuation.

595.2 was the Highest Average score per group for Females in ACT
608.4 was the Highest Australian average score per group for children with Parents who held Bachelor degree

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NAPLAN 2017 Year 9 Numeracy.

603.4 was the Highest Average score per group for Males in NSW
624.9 was the Highest Australian average score per group for children with Parents who held Bachelor degree

2017 NAPLAN Year 9 Reading.

Females in All States scored higher than Males in NAPLAN Year 9 Reading. NSW and ACT had the highest Results for Males and Females.

State Male Female
NSW 581.8 593.5
Vic 576.5 588.6
Qld 566.5 583.6
WA 576.9 588.3
SA 563.9 578.2
Tas 564.8 576.2
ACT 590.1 601.8
NT 504.5 525.9
Australia 574.5 587.6

Achievement of Year 9 Students in Reading, by Parental Education.

Parental Education Level Score
Bachelor 613.7
Diploma 580.6
Certificate 563.9
Year 12 566.2
Year 11 534.0

2017 NAPLAN Year 9 Writing.

Females in All States scored higher than Males in NAPLAN Year 9 Writing. Victoria and ACT had the highest Results for Males and Females.

State Male Female
NSW 542.3 575.7
Vic 544.4 578.3
Qld 518.4 559.9
WA 537.7 573.5
SA 521.7 560.1
Tas 514.5 559.9
ACT 546.6 583.2
NT 429.0 487.5
Australia 534.2 570.5

Achievement of Year 9 Students in Writing, by Parental Education.

Parental Education Level Score
Bachelor 589.5
Diploma 553.5
Certificate 531.8
Year 12 538.3
Year 11 496.6

2017 NAPLAN Year 9 Spelling.

Females in All States scored higher than Males in NAPLAN Year 9 Spelling. ACT and NSW had the highest Results for Males and Females.

State Male Female
NSW 583.3 598.1
Vic 573.4 585.8
Qld 567.9 586.1
WA 576.0 591.4
SA 564.4 581.9
Tas 552.9 570.6
ACT 579.3 593.2
NT 493.5 520.7
Australia 573.9 589.2

Achievement of Year 9 Students in Spelling, by Parental Education.

Parental Education Level Score
Bachelor 610.2
Diploma 580.8
Certificate 566.2
Year 12 571.5
Year 11 540.2

2017 NAPLAN Year 9 Grammar and Punctuation.

Females in All States scored higher than Males in NAPLAN Year 9 Grammar and Punctuation. ACT and NSW had the highest Results for Males with ACT and Qld for Females.

State Male Female
NSW 568.8 594.0
Vic 561.1 582.8
Qld 557.7 589.3
WA 560.1 583.1
SA 551.8 577.0
Tas 542.9 570.3
ACT 574.8 595.2
NT 475.5 515.7
Australia 561.0 586.6

Achievement of Year 9 Students in Grammar and Punctuation, by Parental Education.

Parental Education Level Score
Bachelor 608.4
Diploma 572.6
Certificate 555.3
Year 12 559.7
Year 11 524.0

2017 NAPLAN Year 9 Numeracy.

Males in All States scored higher than Females in NAPLAN Year 9 Numeracy. ACT and NSW had the highest Results for Males with NSW and Victoria and ACT for Females.

State Male Female
NSW 603.4 596.5
Vic 597.8 588.7
Qld 587.1 582.9
WA 599.4 591.0
SA 582.0 574.3
Tas 577.9 568.3
ACT 601.7 590.0
NT 542.1 541.0
Australia 595.5 588.3

Achievement of Year 9 Students in Numeracy, by Parental Education.

Parental Education Level Score
Bachelor 624.9
Diploma 589.2
Certificate 572.7
Year 12 578.4
Year 11 549.8

Source: www.nap.edu.au/final_04dec2017.pdf

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