2020-21 Migration Program Outcomes.
The 2020-21 Australian Immigration program (1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021) was originally set with the total places available being capped at a ceiling of 160,000 for the year.
The final number of grants eventually came out at 160,052, with 79,620 from the skilled stream, 77,372 in the family stream, 54 places in the Special Eligibility stream and 3,006 in the Child stream.
Granted | Stream and Category | Planned |
Skill Stream | ||
23,503 | Employer Sponsored | 22,000 |
7,213 | Skilled Independent | 6,500 |
2,910 | – Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional | |
10,675 | – Skilled Work Regional | |
13,585 | Total Regional | 11,200 |
14,268 | State/Territory Nominated | 11,200 |
11,198 | Business Innovation and Investment | 13,500 |
9,584 | Global Talent | 15,000 |
269 | Distinguished Talent | 200 |
79,620 | Skill Total | 79,600 |
Family Stream | ||
72,376 | Partner | 72,300 |
3,600 | Parent – Contributory | |
900 | Parent Non – Contributory | |
4,500 | Total Parent | 4,500 |
496 | Other Family | 500 |
77,372 | Family Total | 77,300 |
54 | Special Eligibility | 100 |
3006 | Child | 3000 |
160,052 | Total Migration Program 2020-21 | 160,000 |
2020-21 Humanitarian Program
This report does not include data on the permanent Humanitarian Program.
Two-Stage Visas
The Skill and Family streams include ‘two-stage’ visas, which provide a permanent residence pathway for visa holders from a provisional or ‘first stage’ visa to a permanent or ‘second stage’ visa.
While such pathways involve the grant of two visas, to avoid double counting, the visa holder is counted to the Migration Program at grant of the provisional or ‘first stage’ visa only.
With Partner Visas, this means counting the grant of the 309 or 820 as the statistic used for permanent migration numbers.
Source: homeaffairs.gov.au
Top Ten Source Countries in 2020-21
The top ten source citizenship countries of migrants in 2020-21 accounted for 98,077 places. This was 61.28% of the total, and were these nationalities:
- 22,207 China (13.87%)
- 21,791 India (13.61%)
- 12,703 United Kingdom (7.94%)
- 11,058 Philippines (6.91%)
- 8,120 Vietnam (5.07%)
- 5,048 United States of America (3.15%)
- 4,714 Nepal (2.95%)
- 4,313 Hong Kong (2.69%)
- 4,121 Pakistan (2.57%)
- 4,002 Thailand (2.50%
- 61,975 Other Nationalities (38.72%)
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