JobSeeker from September 2023

JobSeeker payment rates from 20 September 2023.

JobSeeker is the Australian Unemployment benefit payment and is paid every two weeks, to eligible applicants.

JobSeeker rates normally increase every 6 months, and the next increase is due from 20 September 2023.

The rate will increase by the proposed $56 per fortnight, now that the legislation for this has passed the senate on 2 August 2023.

From 20 September 2023, the JobSeeker rate will be:

(Actual figures will be shown once confirmed by Centrelink)

Single rate:  $tba, an increase of $

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Partnered rate: $tba, an increase of $

JobSeeker fortnightly payment rate from 20 September 2023.

$tba Single, 22 or over, no children. An increase from $693.10 in March 2023.

$tba Single, 22 or over, with a dependent child or children. An increase from $745.20 in March 2023.

$tba Single, 60 or older, after 9 continuous months on an income support payment. An increase from $745.20 in March 2023.

$tba Partnered, each. An increase from $631.20 in March 2023.

JobSeeker Income test

You can earn up to $150 per fortnight before tax, before your payment is affected.

Any earnings between $150 and $256 will reduce your payment by 50 cents per dollar and any earnings over $256 will reduce your payment by 60 cents per dollar.


  • If you earn $150 you will keep $150.
  • If you earn $200, you will lose $25, meaning you effectively only keep $175.
  • If you earn $300, you will lose $53 from the $106 between $150 and $256, plus $26.40 from the $44 between $256 and $300, meaning you effectively only keep $220.60, before tax.

Jobseeker Threshold

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