Full Time v Part Time Employment in Australia

As at December 2010 83.76% of Male workers worked full time and 54.72% of Female workers worked full time.

From the following chart it can be seen how these percentages have been changing over the last 30 years, with Part time work becoming more common over the years.

However, figures alone are NOT the full story.

In 2008, the Australian Institute of Family Studies reported that only 20% of those women employed part-time would prefer to work more hours.
Even then, without figures to show that they would have wanted full time hours, they may still prefer Part Time, but just a few more hours ?

    Year Male
    Full Time
    Full Time
    Part Time
    Part Time
    Dec-1978 94.81% 66.11% 5.19% 33.89%
    Dec-1979 94.75% 65.89% 5.25% 34.11%
    Dec-1980 94.60% 65.33% 5.40% 34.67%
    Dec-1981 94.99% 65.94% 5.01% 34.06%
    Dec-1982 93.97% 63.52% 6.03% 36.48%
    Dec-1983 93.88% 64.27% 6.12% 35.73%
    Dec-1984 94.08% 64.03% 5.92% 35.97%
    Dec-1985 94.09% 63.03% 5.91% 36.97%
    Dec-1986 93.20% 61.61% 6.80% 38.39%
    Dec-1987 92.74% 61.68% 7.26% 38.32%
    Dec-1988 92.78% 61.23% 7.22% 38.77%
    Dec-1989 91.98% 60.95% 8.02% 39.05%
    Dec-1990 91.88% 60.12% 8.12% 39.88%
    Dec-1991 90.82% 59.25% 9.18% 40.75%
    Dec-1992 89.99% 58.90% 10.01% 41.10%
    Dec-1993 90.01% 58.48% 9.99% 41.52%
    Dec-1994 89.03% 57.76% 10.97% 42.24%
    Dec-1995 89.19% 57.59% 10.81% 42.41%
    Dec-1996 88.57% 57.53% 11.43% 42.47%
    Dec-1997 87.93% 57.18% 12.07% 42.82%
    Dec-1998 87.40% 57.12% 12.60% 42.88%
    Dec-1999 87.83% 57.00% 12.17% 43.00%
    Dec-2000 87.20% 56.90% 12.80% 43.10%
    Dec-2001 86.33% 55.34% 13.67% 44.66%
    Dec-2002 85.59% 54.98% 14.41% 45.02%
    Dec-2003 85.54% 55.19% 14.46% 44.81%
    Dec-2004 85.38% 55.47% 14.62% 44.53%
    Dec-2005 85.50% 54.81% 14.50% 45.19%
    Dec-2006 84.61% 56.06% 15.39% 43.94%
    Dec-2007 84.91% 56.30% 15.09% 43.70%
    Dec-2008 85.05% 54.79% 14.95% 45.21%
    Dec-2009 83.37% 54.45% 16.63% 45.55%
    Dec-2010 83.76% 54.72% 16.24% 45.28%

Figures sourced from: 6202.0 – Labour Force, Australia Bureau of Statistics Table 3

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