Tony Abbott to be sworn in as Australia’s new Prime Minister 18 Sept 2013

Ten days after being elected to government, Tony Abbott and his ministry will be officially commissioned as the new Australian government, by Governor-General Quentin Bryce at Government House.

Tony Abbott says his government will begin acting today, with the following on the list to be actioned:

  • To immediately begin the necessary legislation to repeal the carbon tax.
  • The new government will also instruct the board of the Clean Energy Corporation to cease operations.
  • The Immigration Department will also be told to cease granting permanent protection visas, with immediate effect.

Mr Abbott said.: “The Australian people expect us to get straight down to business and that’s exactly what this Government will do


In the official ceremony at Government House, in front of Governor-General Quentin Bryce, and while his parents, his wife and three daughters watched on, Mr Abbott has took the oath on the Bible and signed official papers to assume office.

His words following the traditional oath, were:

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“I, Anthony John Abbott, do swear that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia, in the office of Prime Minister, and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. So help me God!”

Australia is a constitutional monarchy with The Queen as Sovereign.

As a constitutional monarch, The Queen, by convention, is not involved in the day-to-day business of the Australian Government, but she continues to play important ceremonial and symbolic roles.

The Queen’s relationship to Australia is unique. In all her duties, she speaks and acts as Queen of Australia, and not as Queen of the United Kingdom.

The Queen’s Royal style and title in Australia is Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth.

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