Salary or Wages Earners Average Income 2017-18

Salary or Wages Earners Average Income 2017-18.

The ATO shows there were 11,231,834 salary and wage earners in the 2017-18 tax year.

Their total salaries and wages came to an average of $61,451, with 50% earning over $51,126 in the year.

The Median income was 83.20% of the average income in 2016-17.

Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, for May 2018, show the following:

May 2018 Survey of Employee Earnings and Hours

In May 2018 there were 10,647,200 employees in Australia.
49.9% were male and 50.1% were female.

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The Average weekly total cash earnings was $1,288.70 for all employees,
Males averaged $1,525.40.
Females averaged $1,053.30.
The average age of all employees was 39.8 years.

The ‘Median‘ weekly total cash earnings was $1,500.00 for all full-time Adult employees.
The ‘Median‘ weekly total cash earnings was $577.00 for all part-time employees.


Part-time earnings can vary dramatically.

  • One in 10 part-time employees received weekly total cash earnings of $138.00 or less.
  • One in 10 part-time employees received $1,244.00 or more.
  • Three out of 10 earned between $138 and $577 per week.
  • Three out of 10 earned between $577 and $1,244 per week.

Full-time v Part-time employees

60.2% of all employees were Full-time and had average weekly total cash earnings of $1,699.20.
39.8% of all employees were Part-time and had average weekly total cash earnings of $668.30.

Full-time males had average weekly total cash earnings of $1,810.90.
Part-time male employees had average weekly total cash earnings of $666.00.

Full-time females had average weekly total cash earnings of $1,515.60.
Part-time female employees had average weekly total cash earnings of $669.30.
24.9% of male employees were employed part-time, with 75.1% being full-time.
54.6% of female employees were employed part-time, with 45.4% being full-time.

Average weekly total cash earnings by Age:

$ 383.70 20 years and under
$1,127.60 21 to 34 years
$1,503.70 35 to 44 years
$1,544.20 45 to 54 years
$1,373.40 55 years and over
$1,288.70 All ages

Source: ABS: 6306.0 – Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2018


The previous years figures were:

Salary or Wages Earners Average Income 2016-17.

The ATO shows there were 10,912,139 salary and wage earners in the 2016-17 tax year.

Their total salaries and wages came to an average of $59,328, with 50% earning over $49,397 in the year.

The Median income was 83.26% of the average income in 2016-17.

Individual Earners Average Income 2016-17.

The ATO shows there were 14,288,292 total individual tax returns submitted in the 2017-18 tax year.

Their total incomes came to an average of $63,904, with 50% earning over $48,036 in the year.

Their Median income was 75.17% of the average income in 2016-17.


Change in Average Income from 2016-17 to 2017-18.

Average salary and wage Incomes rose by 3.58%
Median salary and wage Incomes rose by 3.50%.

Average Individuals Total Incomes rose by 3.44%.
Median Individuals Total Incomes rose by 3.13%.


In 2017-18 69.8% of Tax Return lodgements were done by a Tax Agent, and 28.7% were done through the ATO MyTax lodgement service.

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