Getting an Australian Working Visa for the Over 30’s.
A popular way to work in Australia is the Working Holiday Visa, but this has aged limits of between 18 and 30
Many ask if they can still get a Visa to work in Australia after they turn 31.
The answer is normally NO, unless you have a RECOGNISED skill, or can get an Australian Employer to sponsor you under the Temporary Work (Skilled) (subclass 457) visa program.
More details can be found at:
Temporary Work (Skilled) (subclass 457) visa.
The purpose of the Temporary Work (Skilled) (subclass 457) visa program is to allow employers to fill short to medium term skill shortages by recruiting qualified workers from outside of Australia when they cannot find the same skilled workers locally.
There were various changes done to the 457 program in 2013 and these can be seen at:
The Australian Government Website for Working in Australia is at:
Working Holiday Visa to Australia.
There are two Working Holiday Visas: Work and Holiday (subclass 462) and Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa
Working Holiday visa (subclass 417).
Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462).
Work visa scams.
Be aware that criminals can use visa scams to exploit or steal money from overseas workers wanting to come to Australia. These criminals may lure people by making false promises of work and permanent residence in Australia.
Learn how to avoid being a victim of a work visa scam.