Prime Ministers of Australia

Prime Ministers of Australia since 1901.

Australia became an independent nation on 1 January 1901 when the British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Australia operates under a federal system where powers are divided between a central government, with a Prime Minister and several regional governments, each with a State Premier.

Australia’s first Prime Minister was Edmund Barton, who had been a member of the New South Wales Parliament for 20 years, and had been working on Federation for ten years.

Most Prime Minister’s in recent years have been either the leader of the ALP (Australian Labor Party) or the Liberal Party.

The Australian Prime Ministers.

Prime Ministers of Australia 1975 to 2018.

  • Malcolm Fraser – served as PM for 7 years and 122 days
  • Bob Hawke – served as PM for 8 years and 286 days
  • Paul Keating – served as PM for 4 years and 83 days
  • John Howard – served as PM for 11 years and 259 days
  • Kevin Rudd – served as PM for 2 years and 298 days
  • Julia Gillard – served as PM for 3 years and 3 days
  • Tony Abbott – served as PM for 1 years and 362 days
  • Malcolm Turnbull – served as PM for 2 years and 344 days
  • Scott Morrison – 24 August 2018 to ……………

Section 28 of the Australian Constitution states that House of Representatives elections must be held at least every three years. This provides an opportunity to change Prime Minister every three years.

Each political party however, can change their leader at any time they wish, and if that party is the ruling party, that means the Prime Minister would change also, to the new Party leader.

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