The ACT State Election was held on 19 October 2024.
The results at 11:44, 20 October 2024, with 76.2% of the electorate counted, were:
Popular vote (Share of Vote)
- 82,391 Labor. (34.5%)
- 78,590 Liberal. (33.0%)
- 29,774 Greens. (12.5%)
Seats completed, from 25:
- Labor, 10 seats.
- Liberal, 8 seats.
- Greens, 2 seats.
- Independents, 2 seats.
- Not finalised, 3 seats.
This shows a change since the last Election of:
- 3.3% down for Labor.
- 0.9% down for Liberal.
- 1.0% down for Greens.
ACT Election Results 2020.
The 2020 Australian Capital Territory general election was held on 17 October 2020.
The Australian Labor Party won this Territory Election.
First preference vote in 2020:
- 101,826 Labor, 10 seats.
- 91,047 Liberal, 9 seats.
- 36,369 Greens, 6 seats