Apply for BVB before BVA is Active

Can I Apply for BVB before BVA is active?.

The rules for getting a BVB (subclass 020 Bridging Visa) include needing to hold a BVA before you can apply for a BVB.

The wording in the Immigration website is clear on these points:

  • You must be in Australia when you apply for this visa.
  • You must be the holder of a BVA or a BVB.
  • You must have applied in Australia for a substantive visa that can be granted while you are in Australia.
  • You must, if you meet all eligibility requirements, be in Australia at the time of grant.

Some say that the BVA must be ‘active‘ as well as having been ‘granted‘, before being able to apply for the BVB.

The BVA, although granted when a substantive visa is applied for, does not become active until the previous visa expires.

However, from the experiences of others, who have been granted a BVB before it became active, it seems that you ‘HOLD” a BVA once you have been granted that BVA, even if it is not yet active.

I have seen examples where a BVB was granted a month after the BVA was granted, but one month BEFORE the BVA became active.

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Immigration do recommend that you lodge your BVB application no more than 3 months in advance, and not less than 2 weeks before the date on which you wish to travel.

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