Australia and GST Changes 2014.
There are signs that the rate of the Goods and Services Tax [GST] in Australia may be on the table for an increase in the near future. Sometimes theses things are considered, but never actioned, but what are the REAL chances in an increase in the GST rate in Australia?
Q: How does Australia compare to other countries, with its current 10% rate of GST ?
A: It is between number 131 and 141, out of 152 countries that charge a GST/VAT
So the current rate is very low, and there is room for an upward movement.
Can a government bring in this change, especially the party that brought in GST originally ? I recall that all State Governments had to agree with the Federal Government to be able to implement any rate changes.
Would the government increase benefits and pensions to compensate these benefit recipients from any increased costs in any change implemented? They did when the GST was first brought in.
Only questions so far, No answers.
This is the latest list of countries with their current rates, based on maximum rate, where more than one rate applies.
Current Rate – Country
- 40.00% Gambia
- 27.00% Hungary
- 25.50% Iceland
- 25.00% Croatia
- 25.00% Denmark
- 25.00% Faroe Islands
- 25.00% Norway
- 25.00% Sweden
- 25.00% Uzbekistan
- 24.00% Finland
- 24.00% Romania
- 23.00% Greece
- 23.00% Ireland
- 23.00% Poland
- 23.00% Portugal
- 22.00% Madeira
- 22.00% Uruguay
- 21.00% Argentina
- 21.00% Belgium
- 21.00% Czech Republic
- 21.00% Italy
- 21.00% Latvia
- 21.00% Lithuania
- 21.00% Netherlands
- 21.00% Spain
- 20.00% Albania
- 20.00% Armenia
- 20.00% Austria
- 20.00% Belarus
- 20.00% Bulgaria
- 20.00% Estonia
- 20.00% Isle of Man
- 20.00% Kyrgyzstan
- 20.00% Madagascar
- 20.00% Moldova
- 20.00% Morocco
- 20.00% Serbia
- 20.00% Slovak Republic
- 20.00% Slovenia
- 20.00% Tajikistan
- 20.00% Ukraine
- 20.00% United Kingdom
- 19.60% France
- 19.60% Monaco
- 19.25% Cameroon
- 19.00% Central African Republic
- 19.00% Chile
- 19.00% Germany
- 19.00% Niger
- 18.00% Azerbaijan
- 18.00% Benin
- 18.00% Brazil
- 18.00% Burkina Faso
- 18.00% Burundi
- 18.00% Chad
- 18.00% Cyprus
- 18.00% Dominican Republic
- 18.00% Gabon
- 18.00% Georgia
- 18.00% Guinea
- 18.00% Israel
- 18.00% Ivory Coast
- 18.00% Macedonia
- 18.00% Mali
- 18.00% Malta
- 18.00% Peru
- 18.00% Russia
- 18.00% Rwanda
- 18.00% Senegal
- 18.00% Tanzania
- 18.00% Togo
- 18.00% Tunisia
- 18.00% Turkey
- 18.00% Uganda
- 17.00% Algeria
- 17.00% Bosnia Herzegovina
- 17.00% China
- 17.00% Montenegro
- 17.00% Mozambique
- 17.00% Sudan
- 16.50% Malaai
- 16.00% Azores
- 16.00% Columbia
- 16.00% Democratic Republic of the Congo
- 16.00% Guytana
- 16.00% Jordan
- 16.00% Kenya
- 16.00% Kosovo
- 16.00% Mexico
- 16.00% Pakistan
- 16.00% Republic of Congo
- 16.00% Zambia
- 15.00% Antigua & Barbuda
- 15.00% Bangladesh
- 15.00% Canada
- 15.00% Cape Verde
- 15.00% Equatorial Guinea
- 15.00% Ethiopia
- 15.00% Fiji
- 15.00% Guinea-Bissau
- 15.00% Luxembourg
- 15.00% Mauritius
- 15.00% Namibia
- 15.00% New Zealand
- 15.00% Nicaragua
- 15.00% Samao
- 15.00% Seychelles
- 15.00% Sierra Leone
- 15.00% Tinga
- 15.00% Trinidad and Tobago
- 15.00% Turkmenistan
- 15.00% Zimbabwe
- 14.94% Bolivia
- 14.00% Lesotho
- 14.00% Mauritania
- 14.00% South Africa
- 13.00% Costa Rica
- 13.00% El Salvador
- 13.00% Nepal
- 13.00% Vanuatu
- 12.50% Ghana
- 12.50% India
- 12.00% Botswana
- 12.00% Ecuador
- 12.00% Guatemala
- 12.00% Honduras
- 12.00% Kazakhstan
- 12.00% Philippines
- 12.00% Sri Lanka
- 12.00% Venezuela
- 10.00% Australia
- 10.00% Cambodia
- 10.00% Egypt
- 10.00% Indonesia
- 10.00% Laos
- 10.00% Lebanon
- 10.00% Mongolia
- 10.00% Papua New Guinea
- 10.00% Paraguay
- 10.00% South Korea
- 10.00% Vietnam
- 8.00% Leichtenstein
- 8.00% Switzerland
- 7.00% Panama
- 7.00% Singapore
- 7.00% Thailand
- 5.00% Iran
- 5.00% Japan
- 5.00% Jersey
- 5.00% Nigeria
- 5.00% Niue
- 5.00% Taiwan
The United States is not included as they do NOT have a GST/VAT comparable system.