Australian COVID-19 Active Cases.

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Australian Coronavirus Active Cases, by Date.

In early April 2020, there was a peak of 4,935 active cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with the peak of those classed as critical being 96 cases.

Updated figures for Active cases in Australia:

  • On the 30th June there were 337 active cases.
  • On the 30th July there were 5,985 active cases.
  • On the 30th August there were 3,046 active cases.
  • By the 30th September the number of active cases had reduced to 393.
  • By the 31st October the number of active cases had reduced to 190.

Active COVID-19 Cases in Australia

Of the 190 active cases in Australia, the numbers for each state are:

  • 71 Active cases in Victoria 37.4%
  • 52 Active cases in New South Wales 27.4%
  • 4 Active cases in Queensland 2.1%
  • 44 Active cases in Western Australia 23.2%
  • 14 Active cases in South Australia 7.4%
  • 0 Active cases in Tasmania 0.0%
  • 0 Active cases in ACT 0.0%
  • 5 Active cases in NT 2.6%

8.8 million tests have been carried out in Australia, with 6.2 million of these in NSW and Victoria.
Active case numbers differ due to timing differences of updating, compared to national numbers.

Confirmed Positive cases per test numbers.

  • Victoria has 1 case from every 156 tests. This is the highest rate of virus infections.
  • New South Wales has 1 case from every 691 tests
  • Queensland has 1 case from every 1,056 tests
  • Western Australia has 1 case from every 635 tests
  • South Australia has 1 case from every 1,102 tests
  • Tasmania has 1 case from every 511 tests
  • ACT has 1 case from every 938 tests
  • Northern Territory has 1 case from every 1,546 tests. This is the lowest rate of virus infections.
  • Australia has 1 case from every 319 tests

Australian COVID-19 New Cases reported in October 2020.

Date Daily Cases 7 day ave Cumulative Cases
31/10/20 8 13 27,590
30/10/20 15 14 27,582
29/10/20 13 14 27,567
28/10/20 13 16 27,554
27/10/20 13 16 27,541
26/10/20 8 18 27,528
25/10/20 21 19 27,520
24/10/20 15 17 27,499
23/10/20 18 16 27,484
22/10/20 23 15 27,466
21/10/20 14 15 27,443
20/10/20 30 16 27,429
19/10/20 9 16 27,399
18/10/20 12 18 27,390
17/10/20 7 19 27,378
16/10/20 9 20 27,371
15/10/20 21 22 27,362
14/10/20 24 23 27,341
13/10/20 32 21 27,317
12/10/20 20 20 27,285
11/10/20 21 19 27,265
10/10/20 15 18 27,244
09/10/20 23 17 27,229
08/10/20 24 16 27,206
07/10/20 9 15 27,182
06/10/20 26 16 27,173
05/10/20 12 15 27,147
04/10/20 14 14 27,135
03/10/20 8 15 27,121
02/10/20 17 16 27,113
01/10/20 18 17 27,096
30/09/20 15 15 27,078

(Some total case numbers get revised each day, due to reporting errors)
[Daily figures are based on the 24 hours ending at 24:00 GMT/UTC time (10:00am AEST)]

Australian COVID-19 Deaths reported in September 2020.

These figures can be seen at: Australian Coronavirus Deaths 2020

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  • Monthly COVID-19 Statistics – Australia
  • At the 30th September there were 393 active COVID-19 cases in Australia, from 27,078 reported cases.  There were 886 deaths at the end of the month, an increase of 234 deaths in September.
  • At the 31st August there were 3,744 active COVID-19 cases in Australia, from 25,746 reported cases.  There were 652 deaths at the end of the month, an increase of 455 deaths in August.
  • At the 31st July there were 6,756 active COVID-19 cases in Australia, from 16,905 reported cases.  There were 197 deaths at the end of the month, an increase of 93 deaths in July.
  • At the 30th June there were 724 active COVID-19 cases in Australia, from 7,836 cases.  There were 104 deaths at the end of the month, an increase of  one death in June.
  • At the 31st May there were 478 active COVID-19 cases in Australia, from 7,195 cases. There were 103 deaths at the end of the month, an increase of 11 deaths in May.
  • At the 30th April there were 947 active COVID-19 cases in Australia, from 6,754 cases. There were 92 deaths at the end of the month, an increase of 72 deaths in April
  • At the 31st March there were 3,498 active COVID-19 cases in Australia, from 4,763 cases. There were 20 deaths at the end of the month.
  • At the 29th February there were 25 active COVID-19 cases in Australia, from 25 cases.

COVID-19 Deaths in Australia.

Figures can be seen at: Australian Coronavirus Deaths 2020

Australian COVID-19 Cases in October 2020

At the 31st October 2020 there had been 27,590 (27,078) reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, and 907 (886) deaths.
During October there were 512 new cases reported, an average of 16 new cases per day, and 21 deaths recorded in the month, an average of 0.7 deaths per day.

Australian COVID-19 Cases in September 2020.

(Click link above for details)
At the 30th September 2020 there had been 27,078 reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, and 886 deaths.
During September were 1,332 new cases reported, an average of 44 new cases per day, and 234 deaths recorded in the month, an average of 7.8 deaths per day.

Australian COVID-19 Cases in August 2020.

(Click link above for details)
At the 31st August 2020 there had been 25,746 reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, and 652 deaths.

On the 30th June there were 337 active cases.
On the 30th July there were 5,985 active cases.
On the 30th August there were 3,046 active cases.
By the 30th September the number of active cases had reduced to 393.

During August there were 8,841 new cases reported, an average of 285 new cases per day, and 455 deaths recorded in the month, an average of 14.6 deaths per day.

Australian COVID-19 Cases in July 2020.

(Click link above for details)
At the 31st July 2020 there had been 16,905 reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, and 197 deaths.

During July there were 9,069 new cases reported, an average of 293 new cases per day, and 93 deaths recorded in the month, an average of 3 deaths per day.

Australian COVID-19 Cases in June 2020.

(Click link above for details)
At the 30th June 2020 there had been 7,836 reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, and 104 deaths.
During June there were 641 new cases reported, an average of 21 new cases per day, and 1 death recorded in the month.

Australian COVID-19 Cases in May 2020.

(Click link above for details)
At the 31st May 2020 there had been 7,195 reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, with 103 deaths.
During May there were 441 new cases reported, an average of 15 new cases per day, and 11 deaths recorded in the month.

Australian COVID-19 Cases in April 2020.

(Click link above for details)
At the 30th April 2020 there had been 6,754 reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, with 92 deaths.
During April there were 1,991 new cases reported, an average of 66 new cases per day, and 73 deaths recorded in the month.

Australian COVID-19 Cases in March 2020.

(Click link above for details)
At the 31st March 2020 there had been 4,763 reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, with 19 deaths.
During March there were 4,738 new cases reported, an average of 153 new cases per day, and 19 deaths recorded in the month.

At the 29th February 2020, there were 25 people in Australia with the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia, and no deaths.


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