Australian COVID-19 Cases in September 2020.


Coronavirus COVID-19 in Australia during September 2020.

At the 30th September 2020 there had been 27,078 reported cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia.
At the 31st August 2020 there had been 25,746.
That shows there were 1,332 new cases reported in September 2020, an average of 44.4 new cases per day.

At the 30th September 2020 there had been 886 deaths linked to the COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia.
At the 31st August 2020 there had been 652 deaths.
That shows there were 234 deaths recorded in September 2020, an average of 7.8 deaths per day.

Australian COVID-19 New Cases in September 2020.

Date Daily Cases 7 day ave Cumulative Cases
30/09/20 15 15 27,078
29/09/20 19 18 27,063
28/09/20 4 19 27,044
27/09/20 24 20 27,040
26/09/20 16 19 27,016
25/09/20 20 20 27,000
24/09/20 6 24 26,980
23/09/20 37 28 26,974
22/09/20 27 28 26,937
21/09/20 12 31 26,910
20/09/20 13 35 26,898
19/09/20 24 40 26,885
18/09/20 48 42 26,861
17/09/20 35 43 26,813
16/09/20 39 45 26,778
15/09/20 47 52 26,739
14/09/20 41 53 26,692
13/09/20 44 53 26,651
12/09/20 42 57 26,607
11/09/20 52 61 26,565
10/09/20 48 66 26,513
09/09/20 88 77 26,465
08/09/20 55 80 26,377
07/09/20 43 82 26,322
06/09/20 72 87 26,279
05/09/20 71 94 26,207
04/09/20 87 98 26,136
03/09/20 126 104 26,049
02/09/20 104 103 25,923
01/09/20 73 109 25,819

(Some total case numbers get revised each day, due to reporting errors)
[Daily figures are based on the 24 hours ending at 24:00 GMT/UTC time (10:00am AEST)]

COVID-19 Deaths in Australia, by Date.

A summary of the COVID-19 Deaths in Australia, on a daily basis.  These figures are normally for the 24 hours ending in the morning of the date shown.  Effectively being for the day before.

Date Daily Deaths 7 day ave Cumulative
30/09/20 4 4 886
29/09/20 7 4 882
28/09/20 3 3 875
27/09/20 2 3 872
26/09/20 1 4 870
25/09/20 8 5 869
24/09/20 2 4 861
23/09/20 5 5 859
22/09/20 3 5 854
21/09/20 2 5 851
20/09/20 5 6 849
19/09/20 7 6 844
18/09/20 5 6 837
17/09/20 8 6 832
16/09/20 8 6 824
15/09/20 0 7 816
14/09/20 6 8 816
13/09/20 7 8 810
12/09/20 6 8 803
11/09/20 9 9 797
10/09/20 7 16 788
09/09/20 11 17 781
08/09/20 8 16 770
07/09/20 9 16 762
06/09/20 5 20 753
05/09/20 11 21 748
04/09/20 59 22 737
03/09/20 15 15 678
02/09/20 6 16 663
01/09/20 5 19 657
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