Australian Education Costs on a Tourist Visa

Education Costs on a Tourist Visa.

The following is based on the Education rules for Queensland.  Cost for other States may be similar, or higher.

No Australian State provides free education for those on a Tourist Visa.

Fees for the duration of the enrolment are paid in advance.

The minimum period of enrolment is 2 weeks. Students on tourist visas cannot study for more than 13 weeks unless permitted by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

An application must be made to Education Queensland using the relevant form (Application for authority to enrol form).

Once the initial application has been processed, extensions may only be considered by Education Queensland International in extenuating circumstances.

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2019 Queensland Tuition Fees per week:

$327 Prep-Year 6:
$358 Years 7-9
$377 Year 10
$426 Year 11
$450 Year 12

There is also an application Fee of: $262

Temporary Residents Admissions Centre
PO Box 15050
City East, QLD 4002

Telephone (within Australia) 1800 316 540
Telephone (outside Australia) +61 7 3513 5301

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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
Some Visa Applicants might find an Experienced Australian Migration Agent of great assistance. - ai16

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