Australian Government Average Salaries 2009 to 2013

The following figures show the changes in Australian Government Wages and Salaries, before super and allowances, between the years 2009 and 2013.

2013 Australian Government Salaries

  • In June 2013 there were 192,500 Local Government employees –
    • Their average wage was $56,229 pa each (An increase of 18.25% in 4 years)
  • In June 2013 there were 248,500 Commonwealth Government employees –
    • Their average wage was $79,374 pa each (An increase of 16.44% in 4 years)
  • In June 2013 there were 1,450,200 State Government employees –
    • Their average wage was $71,189 pa each (An increase of 18.77% in 4 years)

2009 Australian Government Salaries

  • In 2009 there were 178,000 Local Government employees –
    • Their average wage was $47,560.67 pa each
  • In 2009 there were 242,900 Commonwealth Government employees –
    • Their average wage was $68,165.50 pa each
  • In 2009 there were 1,386,600 State Government employees –
    • Their average wage was $59,939.13 pa each


  • Australian Bureau of Statistics: 6248.0.55.002 – Employment and Earnings, Public Sector, Australia,

In June 2013 there were 1,891,300 public sector employees, and the total cash wages and salaries for the public sector was $133,786.2m or $70,737 each on average.

The median figures will be affected by both the high paid executives, and the large number of part time positions. My guess, based on knowledge of Commonwealth Government incomes for average employees, is that these figures are actually pretty close. The Median average may be about 90% of the above Mean Average.

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These figures are based on CASH WAGES and SALARIES. The final remuneration will be increased by various benefits, which will include compulsory superannuation contributions and other allowances.

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