Australian Immigration Numbers 2019-20

Australian Immigration Program Planning Levels 2019-20.

The 2019-20 Australian Immigration program has been set with the total places available being capped at a ceiling of 160,000 for the year.

Since 2013, the Government has committed that no less than two-thirds of the total program will be made up of skilled migrants.

This number is divided between the Skilled Visa stream and the Family Visa Stream.

  • The Skilled Visa Stream has 108,682 places in 2019-20. (down from 128,550 in 2018-19)
  • The Family Visa Stream has 47,732 places in 2019-20.  (down from 57,400 in 2018-19)
  • The Special Eligibility Stream has 236 places in 2019-20. (0.15%)
  • The Child Stream is estimated at 3,350 but has no ceiling. (2.09% est)

Skilled Visa Stream Allocation.

  • 30,000 Employer-Sponsored (down from 48,250 in 2018-19)
  • 18,652 Skilled Independent (down from 43,990 in 2018-19)
  • 24,968 State/Territory Nominated
  • 9,000 Regional Skilled Employer Sponsored
  • 14,000 Regional Skilled Work
  • 6,862 Business Innovation & Investment program (down from 7,260 in 2018-19)
  • 5,000 Global Talent
  • 200 Distinguished Talent

108,682 Total Skilled Visa Stream 

Family Stream Allocation 2019-20.

  • 39,799 Partner Visas (down from 47,825 in 2018-19)
  • 7,371 Parent Visas (down from 8,675 in 2018-19)
  • 562 Other Family Visas (down from 900 in 2018-19)

47,732 Total Family Visa Stream


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Previous Years

Australian Immigration Program Planning Levels 2017-18 and 2018-19.

Immigration Planning Levels 2017-18 2018-19

Previous Years Actual Outcomes have been:.

160,323 – 2018-19
162,417 – 2017-18
183,608 – 2016-17
189,770 – 2015-16
189,097 – 2014-15
190,000 – 2013-14


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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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