Australian Permanent Visa Grant Statistics to 2017-18

There were 162,417 Permanent Visa Grants in 2017-18..

The 2017/18 Permanent Visa grants have dropped to 162,417 from the 2016-17 figure of 183,608.

There has also been a 46 per cent increase in visa refusals, while skilled migrant numbers dropped by more than 12,000 (about 10%), and the family stream was cut by 15 per cent to 47,732.

The new integrity measures have led to a 46 percent rise in visa refusals and a 17 percent increase in application withdrawals.

The skilled migrant numbers dropped by more than 12,000 (about 10%)
The family stream was cut by 15 per cent to 47,732.

Mr Dutton said the people who were being rejected the most were those making “fraudulent claims”, admitting some people trying to gain access to Australia were “overstating their qualifications” with false documents.

The total permanent Migration Program outcome for 2017–18 was 162,417 places.

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  • 111,099 were for Skilled Visas
  • 36,767 were for Partner Visas
  • 3,032 Prospective Marriage visas
  • 6,015 were for Contributory Parent Visas
  • 1,356 were for Non Contributory Parent Visas
  • 3,350 were for Child Visas
  • 236 were for Special Visas

The 2017-18 outcome in the Partner category was 39,799 places. This outcome comprised 83.4 per cent of the total Family stream, comprising 36,767 Partner and 3032 Prospective Marriage visas.

Australian Permanent Immigration during 2016-17.

There were 183,608 Permanent Visa Grants in 2016-17

123,567 were for Skilled Visas
47,825 were for Partner Visas
6,218 were for Contributory Parent Visas
1,345 were for Non Contributory Parent Visas
3,400 were for Child Visas
832 were for Other Family
421 were for Special Visas

The main three source countries for Immigration in 2016-17 were:

India 21.2%
China 15.4%
UK 9.3%


Australian Permanent Immigration during 2015-16.

There were 189,770 Permanent Visa Grants in 2015-16

128,550 were for Skilled Visas
47,825 were for Partner Visas
7,175 were for Contributory Parent Visas
1,500 were for Non Contributory Parent Visas
3,512 were for Child Visas
900 were for Other Family
308 were for Special Visas

The main three source countries for Immigration in 2015-16 were:

India 21.2%
China 15.3%
UK 10.3%


Australian Permanent Immigration during 2014-15.

There were 189,097 Permanent Visa Grants in 2014-15

127,774 were for Skilled Visas
47,825 were for Partner Visas
7,175 were for Contributory Parent Visas
1,500 were for Non Contributory Parent Visas
4,135 were for Child Visas
450 were for Other Family
238 were for Special Visas

The main three source countries for Immigration in 2014-15 were:

India 20.5%
China 14.7%
UK 11.1%


Australian Permanent Immigration during 2013-14.

There were 190,000 Permanent Visa Grants in 2013-14

128,550 were for Skilled Visas
47,752 were for Partner Visas
6,675 were for Contributory Parent Visas
2,250 were for Non Contributory Parent Visas
3,850 were for Child Visas
585 were for Other Family
338 were for Special Visas

The main three source countries for Immigration in 2013-14 were:

India  (39,026)
China (26,776)
UK (23,220)


Australian Permanent Immigration during 2012-13.

There were 190,000 Permanent Visa Grants in 2012-13

128,973 were for Skilled Visas
46,325 were for Partner Visas
2,150 were for Contributory Parent Visas
6,575 were for Non Contributory Parent Visas
3,850 were for Child Visas
1,285 were for Other Family
842 were for Special Visas

The main three source countries for Immigration in 2012-13 were:

India  (40,051)
China (27,334)
UK (21,711)


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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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