Australian Trees after the Bushfire

Vision Direct

Do all Trees get burnt completely in an Australian Bushfire?.

With a lot of information on the bushfires being incorrect on some social media sites, it is apparent that many people think the worst in some cases.

Being asked if the trees will all need replanting, it made me think a bit making this post to show what the some of the trees are actually like AFTER the bushfire.

This is a photo of some trees after a bushfire went through locally.

Australian Trees After Bushfire

You can see that the bark is still blackened, but the leaves are growing back.

Eucalyptus trees, native to Australia, are especially fast to grow back, with new green leaves sprouting again within weeks after a bushfire.

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The Eucalyptus forest type is by far the most common forest type in Australia covering 101 million hectares, which is 77% of Australia’s total native forest area. (…/eucalypt-2019)

Eucalypt Tree

Koalas and Eucalyptus Trees.

There are approx. 900 species of eucalypt in Australia – koalas are known to feed on approx. 40-50 species depending on locality. Of this 40-50 they prefer to limit their diet to about 10. Koalas also will eat casuarina, paperbark and corymbia leaves. They eat new and mature leaves, buds, flowers and at times bark but the bulk of their diet consists of leaves.

Donate to a Koala Hospital:
Koala Conservation Australia Inc. is a charitable organisation surviving on the ability to raise enough funds to keep the Hospital operating in order to save the lives of our precious koala population.

Note: Land burnt in Bushfires is not ONLY forests, it often includes lots of bush too.

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