Australian Visitor Visa Statistics 2015-2016

Australian Visitor Visas Lodged, Granted and Not Granted (including refused) in 2015-2016.

An average of 3% of all Australian Visitor Visas were refused, or not granted, during the 12 months ended 30 June 2016, but this varied a lot by type of visa in the Visitor Class.

Out of 4.9 million Visitor Visa Applications in the 2015-16 year, 148,036 were not granted.

It also varied a lot based on the country of origin, with Lebanon and Pakistan being very noticeable with low grant rates.

Visitor Visas in the 2015-2016 year.


Visitor Visas in the 2015-2016 year
Visitor Visa streams Lodged Granted Not Granted
ETA Tourist       2,304,842       2,304,842                       –
Tourist Visa       1,528,160       1,408,964           119,196
eVisitor Tourist           659,972           654,032               5,940
Business Visitor           226,122           214,816             11,306
ETA Business           163,048           163,048                       –
eVisitor Business             54,465             53,594                  871
Sponsored Tourist             35,388             24,665             10,723
All Visitor Visas       4,971,997       4,823,961           148,036


Australian Visitor Visa Low Grant Rates 2015-2016.

Pakistan has seemed to improve over the year, with 67.7% being granted in the June quarter of 2016, compared to only 46.9% in June 2015

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Lebanon however, has declined to 25.2% from 29.8% a year ago.


Country Apr-Jun 2015 Jul-Sep 2015 Oct-Dec 2015 Jan-Mar 2016 Apr-Jun 2016
Pakistan 46.9% 40.3% 49.9% 64.5% 67.7%
Lebanon 29.8% 27.1% 20.3% 22.7% 25.2%


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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
Some Visa Applicants might find an Experienced Australian Migration Agent of great assistance. - ai16

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