Ban on Australians leaving Australia extended.

Vision Direct

The human biosecurity emergency period, which covers the restrictions on overseas travel, as well as other restrictions, is being extended for another three months.

This emergency period restriction was imposed on 18th March 2020.

It was previously extended on 3rd September 2020, when it was stated that the emergency period would be in place until 17 December 2020.

This has now been extended for a further three months, to March 2021.

This means that Australians, and Permanent Residents, can only travel overseas if they obtain a travel ban exemption.

Temporary visa holders in Australia can depart Australia at any time, however, they will generally not be permitted to return to Australia.

The four Determinations under section 477 of the Biosecurity Act are:

  • Restrictions on the entry of cruise ships into Australia.
  • Protections for the supply and sale of certain essential goods.
  • Restrictions on overseas travel.
  • Restrictions on retail stores at international airports.
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