What is the Bridging Visa E (BVE).
A Bridging visa E (BVE) is a temporary visa.
If your substantive visa has ended, it lets you stay in Australia lawfully while you make arrangements to leave, finalise your immigration matter or are waiting for an immigration decision.
You may be permitted to work on a Bridging visa E, your grant letter will state if this is permitted.
A Bridging visa E does not let you re-enter Australia if you leave.
There is no charge for a BVE.
You might be granted a BVE (subclass 050) if
You are an unlawful non-citizen, the holder of a BVE (subclass 050) or the holder of a BVD (subclass 041) and;
- you are making arrangements to depart Australia
- you are applying for a substantive visa
- you are seeking merits or judicial review of a visa decision or citizenship decision
- you are seeking ministerial intervention.
You might be granted a BVE (subclass 051) if
You were refused immigration clearance or bypassed immigration clearance and came to our notice within 45 days and;
- you are in immigration detention
- you have applied for a protection visa
- you meet other specific requirements relating to age, health or nomination, or you meet the requirements for a further BVE (subclass 051).
Bridging visa E (BVE) – (subclass 050 and 051).