Can a Partner/Spouse Visa Holder Work in Australia?

Can a Spouse or a Partner Visa Holder Work in Australia?.


Australian Partner Visas permit the holder to work in Australia without restrictions. This even applies when on the first stage of the onshore Partner Visa, the subclass 820 and 309.

Once they receive the second stage of the partner visa, the subclass 801 or 100, they are classed as full Australian Permanent residents in their own right.

The subclass 300, the Prospective marriage visa, also allows working in Australia.


It is worth pointing out that some of those on the subclasses 300, 309 and 820, being temporary visas, may find that some employers will not employ them.

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There are various reasons for this, and can include:

A temporary visa holder may not stay, they may choose to leave or be deported if their permanent visa application is refused. With about 15% being refused, we can understand why that is an issue to some employers.

Another, However…

I have seen some employers ONLY wanting to employ Temporary visa holders, and actually not employing Permanent visa holders.  Reasons for this may not be quite legal.


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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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