Woolworths Return on Equity.

Woolworths Return on Equity in 2023 was 25.7%

This is a reduction from the 28.1% in 2022.

Woolworths Net Profit Margin in 2023 was 2.6%, down from the 2.8% in 2022.

According to www.intelligentinvestor.com.au

Full financial reports for Woolworths can be seen at: https://www.woolworthsgroup.com.au/au/en/investors/our-performance/reports.html

Australian Inflation Rate October 2022.

Australian Inflation Rate in October 2022.

The annualised inflation rate in Australia has reduced to 6.9% at the end of October 2022. The rate at the end of September 2022 was 7.3%.

Inflation rates are now being released on a monthly basis.

Annualised Inflation Rates:

6.9% October 2022.
7.3% September … Read the rest

Australian Inflation Rate Compared Internationally.

Australian Inflation Rate compared Internationally.

This comparison of the Australian Inflation Rate, against other countries, shows how Australia managed to keep inflation lower than others, over the last year.

    • 6.1% Australia
    • 7.6% Germany
    • 8.6% Netherlands
    • 9.1% United States
    • 9.4% United Kingdom

Australian Inflation Rate

Over the twelve months to the … Read the rest

Inflation Rate, Australia and Others.

Australian Inflation Rate.

Anthony Albanese is blaming Scott Morrison for “plummeting” wages following the latest release of the wage price index, showing an annual wage increase of 2.4% to the March quarter.
The current rate of inflation is 5.1%.

Other countries with similar issues are blaming issues arising from the … Read the rest