The Queensland top 10 Primary and Secondary schools, according to ‘averaged’ NAPLAN 2010 results.

2010 NAPLAN results for Queensland


  1. Bardon State School
  2. Somerville House
  3. Ironside State School (St Lucia)
  4. Matthew Flinders Anglican College (Buderim)
  5. Anglican Church of England Grammar School
  6. St Hilda’s (Southport)
  7. Norman Park State School
  8. Hillcrest Christian
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Universities in Queensland

Queensland Universities

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The Cost of Private Education in Australia

Private/Independent schools in Australia are subsidised by the Federal and State Governments.

This funding assists in keeping the costs down when compared to the actual full cost of education in private schools. It also reduces the cost to government of the overall cost of education.

2017 Update on Australia Private

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Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)

HECS-HELP Loan is a loan available to eligible students enrolled in Commonwealth supported Further Education/University places.

This loan contributes to all, or part of, the students contribution amount of the total university place cost.

The Australian Government will pay the loan amount directly to your … Read the rest