Prime Minister Banned from Entering Russia

Scott Morrison banned from Russia.

The Prime Minister and another 227 Australian Politicians and others have been named on an entry ban list released by Russia’s Foreign Ministry in direct response to recent sanctions Mr Morrison imposed on Russian nationals.

The statement from the Kremlin included: “This step was Read the rest

Australians Uprising against Border Closures?

Are Australians really against border closures?

A recent news report says:
“despite the clear uprising, you have premiers refusing to lift the restrictions – even when vaccination rates hit that 80 per cent figure.”

But, another report raises doubt on the “clear uprising” that the above report mentions, with this … Read the rest

Vaccinations and Demonstrations in Victoria

88,400 people in Victoria had a vaccination shot recorded on 20 September 2021.

Just a day later, about 2,000 construction industry workers, and others, demonstrated against having to be vaccinated so they can go to work and possibly spread any virus they have.

During this demonstration they damaged various vehicles … Read the rest