Election 2013: Schoolkids Bonus

Schoolkids Bonus.

Labor says:

Tony Abbott will cut Schoolkids Bonus – a family with two kids would get $15,000 less over the kids’ schooling period.

Liberal says:

We won’t continue the school kids’ bonus (a cash payment introduced by Labor last year) because it’s a cash splash with borrowed money … Read the rest

Election 2013: Promises or Lies

Sacking Nurses and Teachers.

Kevin Rudd (ALP) says that a Coalition government would sack nurses and teachers, and sell schools and hospitals !!

Tony Abbott (Liberal) says that the Federal government doesn’t employ any nurses and teachers, and doesn’t own any schools and hospitals.


Is Kevin Rudd running the … Read the rest

Liberal: Parental Leave v Labor: Child Care

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says the Coalition’s paid parental leave scheme would cost more than childcare payments to families.

Paid Parental Leave

The Coalition’s paid parental leave scheme will pay a parent 26 weeks’ leave at full replacement salary. The payment is capped at $75,000.

Expected Costs

$9.8 billion. Two … Read the rest

Labor says NBN will make you $3,800 per year better off.

Australian households would be about $3,800 a year better off in 2020 with super-fast broadband like Labor’s National Broadband Network (NBN), according to new research commissioned by the Labor Government.

BUT.. which NBN plans are they referring to?
Telstra NBN plans start at 12Mbps, about HALF the ADSL2+ maximum … Read the rest

Julia Gillard is replaced by the man that she replaced 3 years ago

Three years and three days after Julia Gillard knifed Kevin Rudd in the back, and it all goes around again.

Julia Gillard who called the snap leadership vote, stated the conditions of the vote:

  • Whoever loses, retires fully from politics.

Julia Gillard is now retiring from Politics.

With the vote … Read the rest

Western Australia State Election 2013

WA State Election 2013.

The 2013 Western Australian state election was held on Saturday 9 March 2013.

This was a win by the Liberal Party, led by Colin Barnett.

    • Liberal : 557,903 votes giving 31 seats
    • Labor : 392,448 votes giving 21 seats
    • Greens : 99,431 votes with 0 seats
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Queensland State Election 2012

QLD State Election 2012.

The 2015 Queensland state election was held on Saturday 24 March 2012.

This was a win by the Liberal National (LNP), led by Campbell Newman.

  • Liberal/National: 1,214,553 votes giving 78 seats.
  • ALP: 652,092 votes giving 7 seats.
  • Katter’s Australian Party: 282,098 votes giving 2 seats.
  • The
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Brisbane Lord Mayor standing for State Parliament

What are peoples thoughts about a Brisbane Lord Mayor standing for State Parliament ?

ALP State premier Anna Bligh has her opinion on this, as shown in this newspaper report www.theaustralian.com.au/…/premier-attacks-lord-mayors-bid-for-state-seat:

ANNA Bligh has attacked Brisbane Lord Mayor Campbell Newman’s bid for state politics as a betrayal of the Read the rest