18,000 airline tickets to Australia cancelled.

18,000 airline tickets to Australia cancelled?

News reports are saying that 18,000 airline tickets to Australia will be cancelled worldwide, due to the recent reduction in numbers allowed into Australia.

The industry body representing international airlines, Airline Representatives of Australia, said 18,000 Australians will be removed from flights due … Read the rest

Australia Travel Declaration for Travel to Australia during COVID.

Travelling to Australia during COVID-19 – Australia Travel Declaration.

Before you travel to Australia, during the COVID restrictions period, you need to complete the Australia Travel Declaration.

This MUST be done at least 72 hours before your departure.

This declaration collects various details that helps the Australian Government to determine … Read the rest

South Australia to Trial Home Quarantine.

Australia to Trial Home Quarantine.

South Australia has volunteered to pilot the 14-day COVID home quarantine program that was discussed at the last National Cabinet.

SA Health has approved the proposal, and South Australia has now confirmed a two-week trial will proceed.

South Australian Premier Steven Marshall said the trial … Read the rest

Flight Costs USA to Australia, May to September 2021

Some examples of Flight costs from JFK airport, United States, to Sydney in Australia.

News article headlines have shown various extreme prices, with two recent ones being “Flights from New York to Sydney have been listed for as much as $70,000” and “Dubai to Sydney one way for $23,000″Read the rest

40 COVID cases refused boarding from India.

Repatriation Flights from India to Australia are resuming on Saturday 15th May 2021.

The first flight had 150 vulnerable Australians booked to return to Australia.

About 40 of these have now tested positive for COVID, and are not able to board tomorrow’s flight, 15th May 2021.

Another 30 are classed … Read the rest