Cost of Bulla Raspberry Splits in Australia, 2021

Vision Direct

Sometimes we need some little treats, and one of my favourites is a pack of Bulla Ice Cream Raspberry Splits.

These Raspberry Splits are normally $7 for a pack of 10.

But every few weeks, they are on half price for just $3.50 a pack.

So I buy a few for the freezer, and I never seem to run out, even though I seem to eat one every day. I feel that they are on half price every 3 weeks or so, at one supermarket or another.

This was in Woolworths last week, and it was in Coles the week before that.

Bulla Splits Half Price

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I bought three packs for $10.50, which would have normally cost $21. Therefore I saved $10.50.

This page is to remind people to shop around, and don’t get caught by high prices all the time.

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