COVID-19 Deaths at Australian Aged Care Facilities

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Aged Care Facility Coronavirus Deaths in Australia.

The first COVID-19 related death at an Aged Care Facility in Australia was reported on the 4th March 2020. Since then, more cases have been reported at these Aged Care homes:

  • Dorothy Henderson Lodge, Macquarie Park, NSW.
  • Opal Care, Bankstown, NSW.
  • Newmarch House, Kingswood, NSW.
  • Melaleuca Aged Care, Devonport, Tasmania.

Deaths at Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged care facility.

  1. 4 March 2020. A 95-year-old woman becomes Australia’s second death related to coronavirus. She lived in the Dorothy Henderson nursing home.
  2. 8 March 2020.An 82 year old male resident of Dorothy Henderson Lodge, (hospitalised on 1 March), died overnight from COVID-19.
  3. 15 March 2020. A 90 year old Sydney woman, the third from the Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged care home in Sydney’s north, died on Sunday.
  4. 28 March 2020. A 91 year old female, from the Dorothy Henderson Lodge aged care home in Sydney, has died.
  5. 1 April 2020. A 95 year old female became the 5th resident at the Dorothy Henderson aged care facility, in Sydney, to die from COVID-19.
  6. 6 April 2020. A 90 year old male resident of the Dorothy Henderson Lodge in Macquarie Park, NSW has died from COVID-19, the 6th from this aged care facility.

Deaths at the Opal Care facility in Bankstown, NSW.

  1. 6 April 2020. An 86 year old man died from COVID-19 at the Opal Care Bankstown, New South Wales.
  2. 7 April 2020. A 90-year-old male resident of the Opal Care nursing home in Bankstown died in Liverpool Hospital, NSW

Deaths at the Newmarch aged-care facility in Western Sydney.

At 25th April this aged care facility had recorded 48 cases of the virus.  31 residents and 17 staff members.

  1. 18 April 2020. A 93 yr old male resident at the Newmarch aged-care facility in Western Sydney has died with COVID-19.
  2. 19 April 2020. A 94 yr old male resident at the Newmarch aged-care facility in Western Sydney has died with COVID-19.
  3. 21 April 2020. A 92 yr old female resident at the Newmarch aged-care facility in Western Sydney has died with COVID-19.
  4. 23 April 2020. A 79 yr old female resident at the Newmarch aged-care facility in Western Sydney has died.
  5. 24 April 2020. A 96 yr old female, with multiple health issues,  died in the Newmarch age care home, NSW.
  6. 25 April 2020. An 83 yr old male resident at Newmarch House aged care home in NSW has died.
  7. 28 April 2020. An 89 yr old female resident at Newmarch House aged care home in NSW has died.
  8. 28 April 2020. The 8th resident at Newmarch House aged care home in NSW has died.
  9. 28 April 2020. The 9th resident at Newmarch House aged care home in NSW has died.
  10. 28 April 2020. The 10th resident at Newmarch House aged care home in NSW has died.
  11. 28 April 2020. The 11th resident at Newmarch House aged care home in NSW has died.
  12. 29 April 2020. The 12th resident at Newmarch House aged care home in NSW has died.

Deaths at the Melaleuca aged care facility in Devonport, Tasmania.

  1. 24th April 2020. A 79-year-old woman, from Melaleuca aged care, Devonport, Tasmania, passed away overnight.

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