COVID case in Victoria after leaving Quarantine.

Vision Direct

10th May 2021, another COVID case in the community in Victoria.

An arriving passenger, from overseas, had completed 14 days quarantine in South Australia on 4th May and travelled to Victoria.

He tested positive for COVID on 10th May, after getting symptoms on the 8th.

Is this a case of:

  • Catching COVID after leaving quarantine?
  • Catching COVID while in quarantine?
  • Bringing COVID into Australia, but not showing positive until AFTER 14 days?

More testing and investigations are in progress.

Victoria has had 12 COVID cases reported in the last 7 days, all from overseas arrivals.

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Media Release

The individual, a male in his 30s, recently returned to Australia from overseas and undertook Hotel Quarantine in South Australia.

He arrived in Victoria and returned to his home in Wollert on 4 May and developed symptoms on 8 May. He got tested yesterday, 10 May, and returned a positive result this morning.

Further testing has been urgently arranged to confirm the diagnosis. Until that time, the Department is treating this as a positive case and acting accordingly.

The individual is being interviewed and exposure sites are being verified. They will be published when they are confirmed.

The individual who was tested positive is isolating at home. His household primary close contacts are also isolating, being interviewed, and will be urgently tested.

The Department is working with interstate counterparts to determine the likely source of this infection.

If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 – such as fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, chills or sweats, or change in sense of smell or taste – get a test immediately.

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