Credit Card Debit in Australia

The following figures show the Credit Card Debit in Australia, based on data sourced from the Reserve Bank of Australia and Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Month Credit Card Balances Accruing Interest Change Bal per head of Population
Apr-2003 $17,145,862,238 $857
Apr-2004 $19,372,848,451 13.0% $957
Apr-2005 $21,709,508,089 12.1% $1,057
Apr-2006 $25,402,474,672 17.0% $1,218
Apr-2007 $28,908,886,429 13.8% $1,365
Apr-2008 $31,234,175,603 8.0% $1,457
Apr-2009 $32,354,789,419 3.6% $1,479
Apr-2010 $34,555,375,008 6.8% $1,545

The original source data was:

  • Australian Historical Population Statistics, 2008 – 3105.0.65.001
  • Population by Age and Sex, Australian States and Territories, Jun 2009 – 32010DO001_200906
  • Population Clock –
Year Population
2003 20,011,882
2004 20,252,132
2005 20,544,064
2006 20,848,760
2007 21,180,632
2008 21,431,781
2009 21,875,000
2010 22,364,000

Credit Card Balances
RBA C1 Credit and Charge Card Statistics

Credit Card Spending compared to Credit Card Repayments

The following set of figures, for the period May 2009 to April 2010, shows the total amount spent on Australian credit cards, and the total repaid on those cards with the net difference. A negative figure in the end column of this table shows that more was repaid than was borrowed, ie: a reduction of debt.

These figures are all in $Millions

Agoda Hotel Bookings
Sponsor ai10
Month Spend Repaid Change
May-2009 $17,762 $17,997 -$235
Jun-2009 $19,419 $19,332 $87
Jul-2009 $19,248 $19,922 -$675
Aug-2009 $18,945 $19,011 -$66
Sep-2009 $19,246 $19,602 -$356
Oct-2009 $19,231 $19,647 -$417
Nov-2009 $20,012 $19,530 $482
Dec-2009 $22,020 $21,532 $488
Jan-2010 $17,166 $18,593 -$1,427
Feb-2010 $18,207 $17,716 $491
Mar-2010 $20,950 $21,429 -$479
Apr-2010 $17,960 $18,806 -$846

Source: RBA C1 Credit and Charge Card Statistics

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