Do Not Renew your Car Insurance

Do Not Renew your Car Insurance until you read this….

Today was my car insurance renewal day, at a premium of $517 for the year.

Over the last week or so, I had looked around at other insurers, and found something cheaper by over $100, but it didn’t have the Protected No Claims that my current policy had. I really wanted to stay with my current insurer, but felt aggrieved that I couldn’t get that lower premium.

Anyway, not sure why, but I did a new online quote with my existing insurer, partly to see how much difference the excess options made, and I was in for one big surprise….

The new premium for a new policy with the same insurer and with exactly the same terms as my existing policy was…. $402

A saving of $115 by taking out a new policy with my insurer, rather than just renewing the existing one.

Well, I didn’t have to think twice about that. I paid up and am now covered with an extra $115 in my pocket.

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I suggest that you all get a new quote from your existing insurer, before just automatically renewing your current policy at the quoted renewal premium.

If you are with Budget Direct, for your car insurance, here is a link to get an online new business quote from them:

Some other Insurers:

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