The residential costing for each KWh of electricity in Queensland:
Tariff 11 – Normal use
$0.13497 July 2005
$0.13882 July 2006 – a 2.85% increase
$0.15455 July 2007 – an 11.33% increase
$0.16291 July 2008 – a 5.41% increase
$0.18843 July 2009 – a 15.67% increase
$0.21351 July 2010 – a 13.31% increase
- At 2009: an average increase of 8.7% per year for the last 4 years
- At 2010: an average increase of 9.6% per year for the last 5 years
Tariff 33 – The off peak unit rate for water and the pool pump
$0.08107 July 2005
$0.08338 July 2006 – a 2.85% increase
$0.09284 July 2007 – an 11.35% increase
$0.09779 July 2008 – a 5.55% increase
$0.11319 July 2009 – a 15.75% increase
$0.12826 July 2010 – a 13.31% increase
- At 2009: an average increase of 8.7% per year for the last 4 years
- At 2010: an average increase of 9.6% per year for the last 5 years
The above are actual rates from bills received covering those periods, with the July figures being taken from the issued Queensland regulated rates from July 1st 2009.
Another way of looking at changing Electricity costs over time, is this example:
An actual Electricity Bill costing in Nov 2003
2,047 kWh used at a total bill cost of $241.72 = a unit cost of $0.1181An actual Electricity Bill costing in Nov 2009
2,564 kWh used at a total bill cost of $431.01 = a unit cost of $0.1681That is an average cost increase of 6.06% per year over the last 6 years
QLD average Wages however have only risen by 5.15% per year over that same period
The NET rise is therefore 0.91% per year extra, assuming your power consumption stays the same.
Both Origin and AGL are quoting regulated rates in advertising material.
AGL offer a 5% discount for customers, whilst Origin offer 1 month free every year. Conditions apply.