Effectiveness of the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
The United States CDC released information on 7 June 2021, regarding their study of the effectiveness of vaccines in fully vaccinated people.
The main information was that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines reduced the risk of infection by 91% for fully vaccinated people.
This means that 90 out of every 1,000 fully vaccinated people can still be infected.
Next, it showed that with the vaccinated study participants who became infected with COVID-19, the virus was 40% less detectable in their noses.
The report stated “While these indicators are not a direct measure of a person’s ability to spread the virus, they have been correlated with reduced spread of other viruses, such as varicella and influenza.”
Looking at those figures, it looks like 90 out of every 1,000 fully vaccinated people can still catch COVID-19.
But only about 40% of that 90, ie: about 36 people, would still be able to transmit the vaccine to others.
Therefore mRNA COVID-19 vaccines reduced the risk of transmitting the infection to others by 96.4%.
A reasonably good result, although not perfect.
Fully vaccinated people still need to be careful, as they may be one of the few that can still be infected, and give the virus to loved ones or strangers.
Source: cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0607-mrna-reduce-risks.html
Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.