Immigration Numbers during Different Governments

Permanent Immigration numbers during Labor and Liberal Governments.

The following figures show that there were more Permanent Immigration visas issued under Liberal Governments for the last 6 years, compared to Labor for the 6 years before.

The number of Family Visas issued under Liberal, as a percentage of the total was a little lower than under Labor, but slightly higher skilled visas were issued, again as a percentage.

Looking at pure numbers, the Family visas increased by 16.5% under the Liberals in 2013 to 2019, and by 19.6% for skilled visas during the same period.

Labor 2007 to 2013
339,822 Family Visas. 32.6% of the total
699,638 Skilled Visas. 67.1% of the total

Liberal 2013 to 2019
395,975 Family Visas. 32.1% of the total
836,904 Skilled Visas. 67.8% of the total


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