Jobseeker Income Test from 25 September 2020

Jobseeker recipients income test.

From 25 September 2020, JobSeeker recipients will be able to earn up to $300 a fortnight before their payments begin to reduce. This has increased from the previous threshold of $106 per fortnight.

Jobseeker Recipients partner income test.

From 25 September 2020 the Jobseeker recipients payment will be reduced by 27 cents for every dollar their partner earns over $1,165 every two week.

This should be updated at…/centrelink at some stage near September.  (This post originally dated 23rd July 2020).

Update: 26 July 2020

From 25 September 2020, recipients of both JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance (other) will now be able to earn up to $300 per fortnight before their payment is affected. This means that recipients of these payments can now earn more before their rate of JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance (other) is affected.

Under the current income test rules, JobSeeker Payment recipients can earn up to $106 per fortnight before their income is impacted. For each dollar of income that they earn between $106 and $256 per fortnight, their JobSeeker Payment is reduced by 50 cents, while each dollar they earn above $256 per fortnight, reduces their payment by 60 cents.

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Youth Allowance (other) recipients can currently earn up to $143 per fortnight before their income is impacted. For each dollar of income that they earn between $143 and $250 per fortnight, their Youth Allowance (other) is reduced by 50 cents, while each dollar they earn above $250 per fortnight, reduces their payment by 60 cents.

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