Kevin Rudd, Prime Minister of Australia

Prime Minister of Australia from 23rd Nov 2007 to 24th June 2010 and again from 27th June 2013

Australian Labor Party (ALP).

Kevin Michael Rudd, born Nambour, Queensland on 21 September 1957.

  • 1988 Appointed Chief of Staff to the Queensland Labor Opposition Leader, Wayne Goss.
  • 1989 Appointed Chief of Staff to the Premier of Queensland
  • 1992 Appointed Director-General of the Queensland Office of Cabinet
  • 1996 Contested the federal seat of Griffith, but lost.
  • 1998 Contested the federal seat of Griffith, and won.
  • 2001 Appointed Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  • 2005 Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Security and, Shadow Minister for Trade.
  • 2006 Elected Leader the Labor Party in the ALP internal elections.
  • 2007 Elected Prime Minister of Australia
  • 2010 Removed from the Labor Party leadership after losing the support of left wing factions in the Labor Party.
  • 2013 Returned to the Labor Party leadership, almost exactly 3 years later.

General Elections won by Kevin Rudd as ALP Leader.

  • 24 November 2007
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