Lettuce… by ABCDiamond…
That will have brought a smile (or something) to a number of peoples faces, but most will now be totally puzzled.
I am pretty well known for my comments on Lettuce, and the price of it. It is nothing serious, just amusing, and I enjoy the feedback I get about it.
However, the serious side of Lettuce…
This morning I was asked to buy a lettuce from the shops, so I asked which one.. and therein began the problem…
Cos, Butter, Oakleaf, Red Salanova, Green Salanova, Mignonette and of course, my favourite, Iceberg.
I expected the answer to be… “Don’t worry, I’ll get it myself”, but, not to be this time, I had to get one with long leaves.
I got a Cos Lettuce…
For the record….