March 2020 – 150,000 Australians could die from the coronavirus.


On the 16th March 2020, the Morrison government said that up to 150,000 Australians could die from the coronavirus under a worst case scenario.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said that the number of infections would range between 20 per cent to 60 per cent of the population.

They also said: Under the best case scenario of a 20% infection rate, about 50,000 people out of 5 million infected with COVID-19 would die.

The government urged the public to comply with various recommendations and regulations such as social distancing measures.

Two Months later, 16th May 2020, after complying with social distancing measures etc., Australia has reached 98 deaths from COVID-19, with almost one third of these coming of cruise ships.  Only about 0.03% of the population have been recorded as having caught this coronavirus infection.
7,000 COVID-19 infections from one million tests carried out.

When looking at the Australian “Best Case Scenario” shown above; 50,000 deaths from 5 million cases, it is interesting to note how low that estimate was.  Worldwide we currently have 330,000 deaths from 5 million cases.

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