Massive Increase in Partner Visa Grants for 2020-21

An extra 33,000 visas for Family Stream Applicants in 2020-21.

The Australian migration program level will remain at 160,000 for the 2020-21 program year. This is the same as last year.

However, the number of visas to be granted in the family stream will increase to 77,300.

The extra 33,000 (approx) places in the Family Stream will of course mean a reduction of 33,000 places in the Skilled Stream.

In previous years the visa grants in the Family Stream were:

  • 41,961 in 2019-20 (37,118 for Partner visas)
  • 47,247 in 2018-19 (39,918 for Partner visas)
  • 47,732 in 2017-18 (39,799 for Partner Visas)
    Family Stream Visa Statistics

The extra 33,000 places will be for Partner and Parent visas, but with the stated priority being for onshore partner visas, it must be assumed that the prime beneficiaries will be the subclass 820/801 applicants.

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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
Some Visa Applicants might find an Experienced Australian Migration Agent of great assistance. - ai16

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