Median Household Income 1994 to 2008

The 2007-2008 Australian Gross Median Household Income is $85,761 or is it ?

The median household income is normally defined as: “Median income is the amount which divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income above that amount, and half having income below that amount”.

Figures from the ABS report, 6523.0 Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia – Table 1.2, show the following:

Gross Median Household Incomes:

    Year All Persons Middle Quintile
    1994-1995 $57,405 $46,139
    1995-1996 $56,647 $45,577
    1996-1997 $58,177 $47,424
    1997-1998 $59,934 $47,529
    1999-2000 $63,239 $49,977
    2000-2001 $61,676 $49,536
    2002-2003 $63,508 $51,094
    2003-2004 $67,934 $54,459
    2005-2006 $73,842 $58,637
    2007-2008 $85,761 $66,908

The numbers of households, in different income brackets, were shown for 2007-08 as:

  • 1,444,900 households under $26,000 per year
  • 1,750,500 households between $26,000 and $52,000 per year
  • 1,433,500 households between $52,000 and $78,000 per year
  • 1,157,300 households between $78,000 and $104,000 per year
  • 1,351,400 households between $104,000 and $156,000 per year
  • 939,600 households over $156,000 per year

Using those figures, I determined that the median household income should actually be somewhere between $62,400 and $67,548.

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This is based on there being a total of 8,077,200 households, and therefore the half way point would be 4,036,600.
3,786,400 households were listed as being under $1,199 per week.
3,994,200 households were listed as being over $1,300 per week.
This left 296,600 in the middle being on between $1,200-1,299 per week. ($62,400 and $67,548 per year)
Somewhere in that group should be the Median point, presumably the figure shown in the above chart, under 3rd quintile..

The question now is: Why the difference between the $85,761 and the $66,908 shown above.

Prior to 2005-06, family tax benefit paid through the tax system or as a lump sum was excluded from gross income for practical reasons.
In 2005-06 and 2007-08 these payments have been included in gross income.

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