Murder and Homicide Rates in Australia

Less than One Murder per day in Australia during 2013 and 2014.

In 2013 and 2014 there were on average 2 murders every 3 days, the following figures were released by the ABS in July 2015.

Homicide victims in Australia.

434 in 2013
421 in 2014

(The definition of homicide used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is the unlawful killing of another person; Murder and Manslaughter)

Murder Victims in Australia.

245 in 2013 (0.67 per day)
238 in 2014 (0.65 per day)

Attempted Murder in Australia.

164 in 2013
151 in 2014

Manslaughter in Australia.

23 in 2013
24 in 2014

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ABS Statistics: 4510.0 – Recorded Crime – Victims, Australia, 2014

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