New Migrants to Australia By Country 2007 v 2017

Migration to Australia by Country 2007, 2017.

In the 10 Years between 2007 and 2017, the origins of the new Migrant intake into Australia has changed dramatically, with:

79.50% more Chinese migrating to Australia in 2017 (50,170) compared to 2007 (27,880).

33.33% more Indians migrating to Australia in 2017 (49,440) compared to 2007 (37,080).

This change compares to the reduction of 66.3% of people from the UK migrating to Australia in 2017 (10,690) compared to 2007 (31,720).

Migration Change from the UK to Australia 2007 – 2017.

  • 31,720 came from the UK in 2007.
  • 10,690 came from the UK in 2017.
  • The top 10 places of birth accounted for 184,120 migrants in 2017 with the UK being 5.81% of that figure.
  • The top 10 places of birth accounted for 162,730 migrants in 2007 with the UK being 19.49% of that figure.

Top 10 Countries in 2017 for New Migrants to Australia, by Country of birth.

50,170 China
49,440 India
14,780 Nepal
13,610 Philippines
12,090 Malaysia
10,690 UK, CIs & IOM
9,810 Iraq
8,170 Syria
8,020 Vietnam
7,340 Brazil

Top 10 Countries in 2007 for New Migrants to Australia, by Country of birth.

37,080 India
31,720 UK, CIs & IOM
27,880 China
22,100 New Zealand
9,440 Korea, South
9,370 Philippines
8,450 South Africa
6,080 Malaysia
5,360 Vietnam
5,250 Sri Lanka

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Migration Change over 10 years, for the Largest 2017 intakes.

  • China with 50,170 new migrants in 2017, is now 79.95% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • India with 49,440 new migrants in 2017, is now 33.33% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • Nepal with 14,780 new migrants in 2017, is now 257.87% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • Philippines with 13,610 new migrants in 2017, is now 45.25% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • Malaysia with 12,090 new migrants in 2017, is now 98.85% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • UK, CIs & IOM with 10,690 new migrants in 2017, is now 66.30% LOWER than the 2007 intake.
  • Iraq with 9,810 new migrants in 2017, is now 290.84% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • Syria with 8,170 new migrants in 2017, is now 3,304.17% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • Vietnam with 8,020 new migrants in 2017, is now 49.63% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • Brazil with 7,340 new migrants in 2017, is now 195.97% higher than the 2007 intake.
  • Pakistan with 7,000 new migrants in 2017, is now 139.73% higher than the 2007 intake.

Source: ABS: 3412.0 – Migration, Australia, 2016-17 Released: 27/07/2018

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