Partner Visa Applications and Grants 2012-13 to 2016-17

Partner Visa Applications and Grants 2012-13 to 2016-17.

According to Immigration Data Releases 2012-13 to 2016-17

70,123 Partner Visa applications were made in 2012-13
46,325 Partner Visas were granted in 2012-13
57,870 partner Visa applications remain in the pipeline at June 2013

64,907 Partner Visa applications were made in 2013-14
47,752 Partner Visas were granted in 2013-14
65,750 partner visa applications remain in the pipeline at June 2014

62,906 Partner Visa applications were made in 2014-15
47,825 Partner Visas were granted in 2014-15
71,172 partner visa applications remain in the pipeline at June 2015

52,177 Partner Visa applications were made in 2015-16
47,825 Partner Visas were granted in 2015-16
70,964 partner visa applications remain in the pipeline at June 2016

56,333 Partner Visa applications were made in 2016-17
47,825 Partner Visas were granted in 2016-17
71,523 Partner Visa applications remain in the pipeline at June 2017

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The end of June numbers do not add up, possibly due to some applications being withdrawn.
Partner Visa Applications and grants refer to the Primary Visa (820 and 309, and do not include secondary grants (801 and 100).


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The information we give is based on personal experiences, reading and formulation of available statistics.
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