Partner Visa Grants during COVID-19

The numbers of Partner Visa Grants during the last three months of the 2019-20 year have appeared to drop substantially, when hearing reports of some Partner Visa applicants who have been waiting a long time.

The actual numbers of subclass 300, 309, 100, 820 and 801 grants has been:
24,910 grants in April to June 2020, down from
27,766 grants in April to June 2019.

However, those numbers are not that simple. It is not a simple drop of 10% for all visa classes. Some dropped by 100% (subclass 300 in April) others rose by 221% (subclass 820 in June).

The changes for the 3 months April to June 2020, from April to June 2019 were:

  • The subclass 300 Prospective Marriage Visa (PMV) saw a drop of 98.6%
  • The subclass 309 Offshore Provisional Partner visa saw a drop of 82.9%
  • The subclass 100 Offshore Permanent Partner (2nd stage) saw a drop of 53.7%
  • The subclass 820 Onshore Temporary Partner visa saw an increase of 52.1%
  • The subclass 801 Onshore Permanent Partner (2nd stage) saw an increase of 36.9%

The actual numbers, per subclass and per month, are:

Offshore Partner Visas.

  • Subclass 300 (PMV) visa grants dropped from 588 in 2019, down to 8 in 2020.
  • Subclass 309 visa grants dropped from 3,501 in 2019, down to 598 in 2020.
  • Subclass 100 visa grants dropped from 9,835 in 2019, down to 4,549 in 2020.

Onshore Partner Visas.

  • Subclass 801 visa grants increased from 8,556 in 2019, up to 11,715 in 2020.
  • Subclass 820 visa grants increased from 5,286 in 2019, up to 8,040 in 2020.

Subclass 300 Visas Granted.

  • 0 in April 2020 compared to 195 in April 2019
  • 3 in May 2020 compared to 251 in May 2019
  • 5 in June 2020 compared to 142 in June 2019

Subclass 309 Visas Granted.

  • 254 in April 2020 compared to 1,538 in April 2019
  • 124 in May 2020 compared to 1,330 in May 2019
  • 220 in June 2020 compared to 633 in June 2019

Subclass 100 Visas Granted.

  • 1,349 in April 2020 compared to 2,267 in April 2019
  • 1,498 in May 2020 compared to 3,145 in May 2019
  • 1,702 in June 2020 compared to 4,423 in June 2019

Subclass 820 Visas Granted.

  • 1,944 in April 2020 compared to 1,328 in April 2019
  • 3,136 in May 2020 compared to 2,620 in May 2019
  • 2,960 in June 2020 compared to 1,338 in June 2019

Subclass 801 Visas Granted.

  • 3,801 in April 2020 compared to 2,167 in April 2019
  • 4,066 in May 2020 compared to 3,160 in May 2019
  • 3,848 in June 2020 compared to 3,229 in June 2019
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