Police Checks: Complete Disclosure or Immigration/Citizenship – Australia

Australian National Police Checks for Immigration Purposes.

Which reason should be on the Certificate?

Complete Disclosure or Immigration/Citizenship?

Some people get two or more National Police Check Certificates, during their two or three stage partner visa process and are currently confused by the wording on the certificate itself.

Some show ‘Complete Disclosure’ as the reason, while others have ‘Immigration/Citizenship – Australia’ as the reason.

We all know that it is vital to use Code 33 at Question 1 on the form and to  include details of ALL names you have been known by.

And because the CORRECT check is vital, we can get concerned when the wording on the second certificate is different to the first.

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The reason for the difference is actually simple…

From 15th December the AFP made some minor changes to the wording on the Police Check Certificates.

They used to show  ‘Complete Disclosure‘ on them, but following recent changes to the wording on the Certificates, they now show the purpose of the application.

In this case, it will be: ‘Immigration/Citizenship – Australia‘, as long as you selected select Category 33 on the police check application.

Police Check Wording Change

Remember; State-issued or territory-issued police certificates are NOT accepted.

If you require a National Police Check [NPC] for Immigration to Australia, it is imperative that you apply through the Australian Federal Police (AFP) for a criminal history check.

For more information refer to the Australian Federal Police at:  https://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/services/criminal-records/national-police-checks

Converga and Australian Police Checks.

Some people have been concerned about the AFP website and email address at converga.com.au, for the Australian National Police Checks.  I was when I first saw it.

However, it is an official site, set up by a very large organisation, whose parent company is Canon Australia.  The AFP appear to outsource certain parts of the Police Clearance facility.

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