Police Clearance for sponsor

I have to do a police clearance for my time in South Africa since I came over in 2018. I will do it in my maiden name. I got married in Oct 2020. Do I have to let them do a check under my married surname as well? So just attach a copy of the marriage certificate with the police clearance application so that both my maiden and married surnames appear on the certificate or would just my maiden name or just my married name do?

Also, police clearances takes about 2 months to get here. Will it be ok if we apply for our pc’s beforehand and submit it with the partner visa 309? We will only apply for my husband after June, as then we will be living together for more than 3 years and married 9 months. We will then just wait for the email re the health exam as that happens quick here.


Admin Comment:

When we did ours, the wording instructed us to include details of all names you have been known by.

We submitted both Police Clearances and the Medical with the application.

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Some people wait until they are requested.

With some 309s being done so fast, it might be worth getting them done sooner, especially the Police check if it takes 2 months.

Partner Visa (subclass 309) GRANTS in 2021.

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