Population of Australia March 2022

Vision Direct

Australia’s population at March 2022.

The population of Australia at 18 March 2021 was 25,854,292 people.

The ABS population clock can be seen at:
ABS Population Clock

The population changes are currently based on:

  • one birth every 1 minute and 45 seconds,
  • one death every 3 minutes and 12 seconds,
  • one person arriving to live in Australia every 1 minute and 1 second,
  • one Australian resident leaving Australia to live overseas every 1 minute and 14 seconds, leading to
  • an overall total population increase of one person every 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

Australia’s population at 31 March 2021.

The population of Australia at 31 March 2021 was 25,704,300 people.

The population breakdown by state was:

8,176,400 (31.81%) New South Wales
6,648,600 (25.87%) Victoria
5,206,400 (20.25%) Queensland
2,675,800 (10.41%) Western Australia
1,771,700 (6.89%) South Australia
542,000 (2.11%) Tasmania
431,800 (1.68%) Australian Capital Territory
247,000 (0.96%) Northern Territory

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Source: www.abs.gov.au Released 16/09/2021

In the year ending 31 March 2021, Australia’s population grew by 35,700 people.

Components of Population change in the year ending 31 March 2021.

Migration numbers caused a reduction of 95,300

115,000 people migrated into to Australia.
210,300 people emigrated from Australia.

Births and deaths caused in increase of 131,000.

There were 293,500 births.
There were 162,500 deaths.

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